What Pamela Anderson has to Teach us About Aging

Inspiration arrives today in the form of Pamela Anderson. Until recently, one might have described her as a former beauty queen and sexpot, but that would be inaccurate.


She is still all that.


The one-time Playboy bunny, star of a homemade porny movie (It’s not really porn if it was meant to be private. That’s my two cents.), and actress who was famous for romping in her red suit in Baywatch, is still showing her beauty.


But now it’s quiet. It’s understated. It’s natural. And it’s breathtaking.


She recently showed up to a fashion show in Paris in a lovely dress. Her blonde hair was clean and hung in simple soft waves. Her skin was luminous – and she wore no makeup!


In the days of exaggerated eyebrows (guilty), contoured faces and media where people put on their makeup for the camera, she arrived sans aucun. Just as she was in Playboy nearly a half century ago, she arrived as God created her.


“My mother told me there would be a time when I didn’t feel like wearing any makeup,” she told a media outlet. “And I guess this is that time.”


I am just a few years older than Anderson so this hits hard. The latter half of middle age is a time of reckoning. We have two choices: we can accept the changes that are happening to our faces with moisturizers and grace, or we can see a surgeon.


There are many more days now than ever before when I show up with as little make up as possible: sunscreen, concealer and eyebrows. I can’t put my finger on why, but there seems to be more interesting things to do in the world than sit and stare at my face.


It’s sad that as we age men are seen as getting more handsome and distinguished, and women are seen as haggard. But I wonder if the eye that needs to be trained, is our own. There is a luminous quality in age and wisdom, and most of all in being content.


I see Anderson as gorgeous, and I’m not alone. Perhaps she is even more stunning these days because her courage is showing. It was always there, through the scandals and divorces, but today it’s out in the open. She’s wearing it proudly on her face, and I had to say, I stopped what I was doing (probably putting on those eyebrows) and admired it.


Michelle Marchildon is the Yogi Muse. She’s an award-winning writer and author you can find wherever books are sold, or on the internet where you are probably reading this now.